
Doja cat, also known as Amala as she is also named in America as a producer of records as well as a performer. She is known for her enchanting music, with hints from electronic R&B. In the pursuit of a career in music at a very young age, she debuted her debut album Purrr! at the age of 18. at the age of 18. She has released numerous singles at the age of 18, including No Police Mooo and Roll with Us. No Police Mooo! Doja cat got her stagename due to the word "dojo" which means marijuana. She also loves cats. She is a talented singer/songwriter and comes from a long line that is full of artists. Her mother paints and her father is famous actor and film producer. Nowadays, Doja is recognized as one of the most well-known emerging artists in the USA. With a stunning voice and amazing musical skills she's already on her way to build a reputation as a performer in the competitive music world. A lot of young musicians have been inspired by her, who draws inspiration from Erykah and PartyNextDoor as well as Pharrell Drake.

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